Usage of MAC IAC Driver

This article explains how to use the IAC Driver to communicate between applications on a MAC. IAC Driver is an application similar to loopMIDI in Windows. By using the IAC Ports function, for example, a software synth and a web browser application on a MAC can communicate.

Launch Audio MIDI Setup. It can be found in Applications > Utilities on your MAC.

Once the application is launched, select Open MIDI Network Setup at the bottom of the MIDI Studio menu.

The following app will launch. Double-click IAC Devices.

The IAC Devices Properties window will open, so click the red arrow “+” twice.

Two ports, >IAC Bus 1 and >IAC Bus 2, are added to the Ports box. Edit the Device Names to MY Devices. it's example name. Click the Apply button.

The name IAC Devices has been changed to MY Devices. The setup is finished.

I will check if I can communicate between applications using MIDI on one MAC. Start Chrome, please restart it. This is called Browser A.

Open one more Chrome window. Please open in a new window, not in a new tab. This is called Browser B. Use both browsers to access Send AND Receive.

Set the Input Device and Output Device of Browser A as follows:

Browser A
> Input Device:MY Devices IAC Bus 1
> Output Device:MY Devices IAC Bus 2

Set the Input Device and Output Device of Browser B as follows:

Browser B
> Input Device:MY Devices IAC Bus 2
> Output Device:MY Devices IAC Bus 1

Now, when you click the Send button on Browser A, a MIDI Message will be sent to Browser B.

And click the Send button on Browser B, a MIDI Message will be sent to Browser A