While I was looking for a way to connect an iPhone to a Windows PC via MIDI, I found rtpMIDI. RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol) is a protocol for playing audio, video, and other data in real time over a network. What I want to do is the following:
The important thing about connecting with rtpMIDI is that your iPhone and PC must be connected to the same Wi-Fi access point.
Download rtpMIDI from following URL:
Today, August 26th, 2024, I can download rtpMIDISetup_1_1_14_247.zip. When you unzip this, a folder called rtpMIDISetup_1_1_14_247 will be created. There is rtpMIDISetup.exe in the folder, so double-click it to launch it.
There are some checkboxes.
Top one is to install "Bonjour". "Bonjour" is a function that automatically searches for and connects to devices on the network and needed for using rtpMIDI. The checkboxes are default settings.
Second one is to do you want to create a shortcut on the desktop.
At the bottom is the option to suppress WHQL warnings during driver installation. WHQL is an organization that tests whether hardware is suitable for Windows-compatible products. If this option is not checked, a warning will appear during installation.
I do not change from default.
Finally, check the "I agree to the license" box indicated by the red arrow and install the software. During the installation, an item called Bonjour Print Service Installer will be displayed, but you can cancel it as you will not be using this product.
After the installation is complete, the rtpMIDI.exe icon will appear on your desktop.
Connect your iPhone to the network in WiFi mode.
Important: Start an rtpMIDI compatible app on your iPhone. If an rtpMIDI compatible app is not running on your iPhone, you will not be able to connect. For example, launch MIDI Wrench first. You can also connect by launching the iPhone app launching rtpMIDI on PC sides.
Launch rtpMIDI on the PC.
When you launch rtpMIDI, does the name of your iPhone appear in the Directory box at the bottom left as following view? If it doesn't appear, as mentioned above, it may be that no application compatible with rtpMIDI is running on your iPhone.
If the name of your iPhone is not visible even though the app is running, please check the connection of your iPhone again. Then, restart your iPhone. If it still does not appear, there may be some other environment causing the problem. In that case, you will have to ask an expert.
Click the plus button under My Sessions. The name of your PC should now appear in the My Sessions window.
At the same time, the PC name will also be displayed in the Local name: and Bonjour name: fields in the session on the right.
In addition, a four-digit number is also displayed in the Port:s field in the upper right corner of Sessin. In the image below, it is displayed as 5004.
sClick the Connect button under Directory. The name of your iPhone will be displayed in the Participants Name field in the Session on the right (grayed out). Latency is currently ???.
Check Enabled in Session. Local name: and Bonjour name: will be grayed out. At the same time, Address will be displayed in the center of Session, just below.
The measured latency is displayed in the Participants section of the Session. It should be around 10 msec to 200 msec.
Your PC and iPhone will now be connected via rtpMIDI. Experiment with MIDI Wrench.
The MIDI Wrench will show the following screen:
Start MIDI Monitor.
Touch MIDI Wrench's keyboard, MIDI messages displays on MIDI Monitor.
We have confirmed that rtpMIDI works on four devices: Windows PC, Mac, iPhone, and Raspberry Pi. We will check the connection between each device.
Summary of rtpMIDI