Web MIDI Application
This application can receive and send MIDI messages, including System Exclusive data.
Set up the Raspberry Pi Zero in OTG mode so that it can be recognized as a MIDI device from your PC. OTG stands for USB On-The-Go. A PC can act as the USB Host (parent) and the Raspberry Pi Zero as the Function (child). The Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 always act as the USB Host and do not support this mode. Here we are testing it using a Raspberry Pi Zero.
This article explains how to use the IAC Driver to communicate between applications on a MAC. IAC Driver is an application similar to loopMIDI in Windows. By using the IAC Ports function, for example, a software synth and a web browser application on a MAC can communicate.
While I was looking for a way to connect an iPhone to a Windows PC via MIDI, I found rtpMIDI. RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol) is a protocol for playing audio, video, and other data in real time over a network.
In this page, I wrote to turn Arduino Micro into a USB-MIDI. It's easier than the Arduino Uno case. We will use the Arduino librarys MIDIUSB or USBMIDI. There are two libraries that turn Arduino to USB-MIDI. These are two slightly different types. There is no need to install both libraries.
This page will automatically test whether the Web MIDI API is available in your environment, including your browser.
Look at the back of your digital piano, or portable keyboard. You can see the MIDI terminals shown in the photo. By using a MIDI to USB cable, you can connect your musical instrument to your PC and enjoy a variety of MIDI applications.
Thank you for visiting this page. This page was a page named "Web MIDI API Laboratory". However, since the number of pages other than the Web MIDI API has increased, the name has been changed. Still, it is a page that tries technically from the perspective of MIDI. I will explain how to connect MIDI with PC, Mac and a single board computer such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi. And how to use Audio with a web browser. In addition, I introduce the web application of MIDI and Audio which I made by myself. I show some electronic circuits. But I'm not very good at electronic circuit engineer. Therefore, please note that my circuit diagram may be incorrect.
This page is the modified MIT Scratch for using MIDI
MIDI is the abbreviation of Musical Instrument Digital Interface. In other words, it is a digital interface for musical instruments. MIDI was born in 1983, the same year as Nintendo's "Family Computer". At the end of this year, the synthesizer DX7 was released. It was long before Windows 95.
To put it very loosely, MIDI is a standard for data formats and communication paths that connect electronic musical instruments. If you connect two instruments via MIDI, playing one instrument will sound the other instrument. At a concert a little while ago, I was able to see a keyboardist playing with nearly 10 synthesizers lined up in the back of the stage. Most of the time keyboardists don't play every keyboard key. One keyboard is the main keyboard and the other keyboards are connected via MIDI. Playing the main keyboard is set to play the sound of the other keyboards. A keyboardist want to use different keyboard tones to match the song.
After that, MIDI was taken in as a computer interface, and it became common to play musical instruments from a computer. And MIDI will also be used as karaoke data.
Well, MIDI is an interface that connects musical instruments and computers, and I think that it is a very convenient interface that can be used regardless of musical instruments or music. Whether your computer is a PC or a MAC, There is an MIDI driver and there are various applications that make it easier to handle. Also, both iPhone and Android can handle MIDI. Even single-board computers such as the Raspberry or Arduino can handle MIDI. Therefore, I think that MIDI can be used as an interface to exchange data by connecting "things" conveniently.
In the last few years, Web APIs (Web MIDI API, Web Audio API) that handle MIDI and Audio have been formulated, and it has become possible to create web applications relatively easily. Web applications run in browsers such as Edge and Chrome. It's also nice that you don't have to install an application.
On this page, I would like to introduce how to connect MIDI, as well as MIDI and audio applications created using Web API.
September 19, 2020 MikataHara